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Specs Crew


Happy Birthday to my daughter Maitê and to my Grandma.

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My grandma is 103

My Grandmother turned 103 on August 23rd. I can say that she hasn’t changed for me since i was a boy. Not to mention that she’s repping Specs Crew.


On August 24th, 7 years ago, I was blessed with my first daughter Maitê. She is such a loving and caring daughter.Happy Birthday my Love.


She started her own Spex Crew club at school.

Get Spec’d Photography and Art Exhibit

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I can’t believe it took this long to write a entry. I have to do better. September 1st 2013, will mark the 1 year anniversary of Specs Crew. It has been an amazing year. I have painted over 70 paintings and have done over 20 Get Spec’d events. On August 15th 2013, I hung my first solo gallery show. This is so awesome. I have 15 paintings and over 25 photos on display at the Conrad L. Mallett Gallery in Capital Community College. I can’t wait to see what next year has in store for Specs Crew. flyerfront

Specs Crew TV is here!

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Since September of 2012, Specs Crew has been on the run. We are happy to announce that Specs Crew TV is online. Visit our Specs Crew TV channel on YouTube to view our Trailer

On 2/24/13, Specs Crew was specing the crowd at Symmetry Café in Downtown Hartford during the Neutral Grounds event. Specs Crew wants to give much respect to Zulu Camacho of Zulu Nation 860, Underground Coalition, Mic On Deck Ent., Society of Invisibles, & The L.X.Y. Community Center.

Who ever said Hip Hop is dead? While you were sleeping or wrapping up Sunday dinner I was rocking to the beat. There is nothing wrong to rock if you can’t get your five step or head spin on. There is nothing wrong with rocking if you can’t flow. Come Get Speced and make people think you can get down. If you don’t already know Hartford has one of the hottest underground Hip Hop scenes.  Now a day Hip Hop is not like the days of its inception. I can remember growing up watching LL Cool J, Rakim, Run DMC and the Beastie Boys just to name a few. They had style and a presence. I remember the days of Graffiti on the subways in New York and house parties. It’s crazy because specing has opened up a secret world and door to the underground. I’ve been walking the streets of Hartford for over 10 years and would have never known. Now when you enter this secret underground you have to respect it. I didn’t get the memo on the code yet but I figure it’s coming soon.

There are people all around us with talent. You see that Asian kid walking by you? He’s skinny not intimidating right? Well he’ll probably up rock and back spin your shoes off courtesy of Tiger Crew. You see that white chic rocking her head in the car next to you? Well that’s probably Dina Brass getting her flow on. Oh who is Dina Brass? Well check Specs Crew TV in the near future. You’re gonna see what this world has to offer. Again much respect to Zulu Camacho of Zulu Nation 860 and Michael Mic Lagasse of Mic on Deck. They have this on lock.

Now put your Adi gear on and come out to the event and Get Speced. The next event will be the Laconic Boombox Battle on March 31st 2013 at Symmetry Café. Visit the Neutral Grounds Event Page on FB for updates.

 What I have learned is there are secret doors all around us. There must be a Rock Underground door I can find next. I’m looking for a connect.

Embrace the Elements:

1. Bboyin
2. MCing
3. Grafitti
4. DJing
5. Knowledge, Culture and Overstanding.









What are Specs?
Specs are glasses.
What does it mean when someone says you’re Specing?
It means your are rocking specs.
What does Re-Spec mean?
Re-spec is when somone shares via social media a picture of you specing.
What does it mean when someone calls you a Specster?
It means you know how to rock your specs.
What does it mean to Get Speced?
This is when you have a picture taken of you while wearing specs.