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Specs Crew

I Am

Who are you really? Are you really who you think you are? Think about it. For 13 years I allowed my career as a Social Worker to define me. Is this you? Do you know this person that I was? It’s kind of sad to say but before September 1st 2012, I really didn’t have a specific dream or passion. I mean everyone wants to win a million dollars. Everyone has the dream for a job or a house and security but is that really your passion? I feel that a passion or dream is something you wouldn’t mind waking up everyday to do. This passion or dream would make you excited and driven with the thought of doing it. That this passion or dream would be something you would do for no money but would say, “ I’m getting paid to do this?”

So that brings me to who I am… or at least who I think I am now. I know I am a Social Worker but I also know that I’m an artist. Since my discovery of my innate ability to paint I have embraced the belief that I’m an artist. What did it take for me to get to this point one may ask…well to be honest it took action. It helped me to have a dream about an eye to ignite my passion but in reality the ability was already inside of me. I believe now that everyone has abilities that they don’t even know they have. Listen to your heart…go with the feeling. In the past I would allow the feeling to pass and never acted on what my body was telling me. Rather the thoughts would surface and distract me from what the feelings were trying to tell me. Things are changing for me now and things can change for you once you believe. I believe that our thoughts create your reality.

On November I was apart of Open Studio Hartford’s 23rd Annual Group show. What an experience. I was able to see some amazing work by local artist and also see my own work amongst them. I didn’t feel that anyone was superior to me nor did anyone present that way. My two young daughters were able to accompany me to this showing, which for me brought joy to my heart but for them had them tired and ready to go home to eat.

On November 8th my older brother, Abdul R. Muhammad aka Dream Chaser #1 invited me to present at The Dream Support Networks Dream Chasers conference at Hartford Job Corp. If you asked me two months ago if I was a believer of the Dream Support Network I would have told you no. It would have been no because, for me in my life, I wasn’t ready for it. We all have our time for things to click. It was only after I attended the first Ice Cream for a Dream with Abdul that I understood what he was trying to do. It was like inception by me being inside someone else’s dream that day. I saw that he did what he said. More or less he took action. So that brings me back to the conference because Abdul knew my passion of painting he knew that he had the stage for me to share my passion. He allowed me to have time to speak with the youths in the room about my dream and how things clicked for me and how I was able to take action towards my passion. I got it at last. All you had to do was just do it and take the first step to chase your dreams.

On November 10th I received the opportunity to be apart of the 23rd Annual Open Studio Hartford showing. I woke up excited. I got dressed and headed to 56 Arbor Street in Hartford. I set up several Specs Crew paintings the night before so it gave me time to arrange my table. I set up the specs for photos and several items from The Dream Support Network such as books and T-shirts. This is what the Network is about. Even though Abdul wasn’t able to attend the show I had a table and was able to support him by displaying and selling his material.

Throughout the day I received support from several colleagues, Sam Ounthongdy, Sonia Perez and her two children and one other colleague I was unable to see but came out to support. My friends Richard Kandetski, Ede Dantes (artist) and his wife Aimee. From Dream Chasers, DC1 aka Abdul and Jami Williams and most of my family, my mother, nieces Rikhya, Amirah, nephew Amir, sister in law Dayeshell wife Carla and my daughters Tainá and Maitê.

The amazing thing is how it felt to be around the lovers of art and the other artist. I felt like I belonged and everything was so natural. I met this very nice couple, Carolyn and Elliot that had a studio next to my set up. She made her art out of tea bags. There was this awesome dude John Archambault who worked with stencil. We exchanged numbers and he plans to help me create a stencil out of one of the Specs Crew. There was dance and vintage clothing where I was able to find my faux Cazal frames. It was such an amazing day. I am a success already. I know this because I believe it. I don’t have to wait for someone to tell me this.

Believe it…see it…feel it…know it…Dream Any Spot…Never Stop Dreaming. Just go for it and do it. I am Kareem and I am an artist. Who are you?

